Planets in Harmony

My Story

One day, I will write a book. Inspiring.

About people who have wonderfully changed their own lives and the lives of those around them. People who have found strength within themselves and risen after fateful blows.

Each of us has such a story.

This is mine. A sketch. Outline. I am still searching for the right words.

I was born into an ordinary family. My parents were hardworking – my father was a railroad engineer, and my mother was a seamstress. My father passed away when I was 3, and my mother was expecting my brother at the time. I don’t remember my father, only the poignant feeling of emptiness.

Planets in Harmony

Why Yoga?

The path to a deeper understanding of life is often marked by small incidents. A book we read, a new friendship… or that first Yoga class. We always start somewhere!

Yoga has made me a better person from the inside out, step by step. As a teacher I aspire to help you open up to your own potential and expand the way you see yourself.
Especially Power Yoga is a great way to challenge yourself in a healthy and joyful way.

Planets in Harmony

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Astrology has been very close to my heart for 30 years now. I was always wondering why some things seem to be easy for us and sometimes nothing seems to work out in our favour.


The first is to do yoga that reflects the timing of the planets and the seasons in the current moment.


Astromineralogy is a powerful way to make use of the planetary energies that are influencing our life. Here we combine the knowledge of our astrological chart with the energies of rocks, crystals and minerals.

Planets in Harmony

“Yoga is not a work-out it is a work-in, and this is the point of spiritual practice to make us teachable to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.”

Planets in Harmony

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We at Harmony Provide Various Services to the Nature of the Clients.

Planets in Harmony


Another form of self-discovery is the expression through art. It is my meditation and my therapy. During the process of painting I try to visualise my feelings, most of them unknown to me before I bring them out on canvas. I talk to myself and more importantly: I listen. I pay attention to what comes up and let my hands be guided by what feels true to me in the moment. I consciously feel through every brushstroke. Every piece is a snapshot of my inner world.

My hope is that others might recognise something of themselves in these paintings and can connect it to their own journey.

Planets in Harmony

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